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Genesis is the first of the five books of Moses and it unfolds God’s work through the biographies of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and others. Starting with the words “In the beginning …,” it presents the beginnings, or origins, of the universe, the human race, sin, death, and God’s gracious work of bringing fallen humanity back to himself. Each volume includes the complete text of...

created. This Hebrew verb is used only when God is the author of an action and only of an action that is unique and unprecedented. Previously Moses had used this verb only when describing God’s creation of the universe (1:1) and the first living creatures to move about by their own volition (1:21). Here this special verb is used to describe the creating of the crown and climax of God’s creative activity. Let it be stated again that the verb create does not in itself imply a making out of nothing.
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